Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem - In the name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful |
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Assalaatu Wassalaamu Alaika Yaa Saiyyadul Mursaleen. |
Narrated Hazrat-e-Aayesha Siddiquah Rd. Huzoor (S) ofter used to say to recit "Subhaanallah wa be Hamdehi" to His disciples. |
The meaning of Khatam in Arabic is the End or the Conclusion. As there is always a last method of doing a work in this world, Accordingly Khatam Sharif is the last method of request in the Court of Allah (J) Almighty for getting our requests and prayers fulfilled. So the Sufis have said that anybody facing any type of problem and are unable to find any solution and don't get any path or their wishes are unfulfilled, at that time he / she have the last way to fullfill the wish or solve the problem and that last way is called khatam sharif.
Most of this Khatam Sharifs have been achieved by very hardship and efforts of Hzt. Saheballah through His Kashfs & Muragbah as Saheballah is rewarded with Ilm-e-Jaffer. Due to this Knowledge of Ilm-e-Jaffer it becomes easier to make any kind of amulets or Khatam sharif in respect to ones problems. With intense research and toil Saheballaha has completed this collection and made it public for the wellbeing of Ummat so that the Ummat can derive Allah (J) the Almightys grace & benefits to its maximum extent. Hence give reference of Hzt. Saheballah when ever you perform this khatam Sharif.
There are 14 conditions in Khatam Sharif (A Gentle Conclusion) |
01 |
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First of all keep strong Faith in your heart, howmuch you keep Faith you get Benefits that much only. |
02 |
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Make Wadhu and wear clean (paak) clothes. |
03 |
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Clean that place where you are going to perform Khatam Sharif. |
04 |
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Take some Sweets or make a Rice-Milk (it is not necessary but it is superior). |
05 |
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Apply perfume to your body. |
06 |
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Sit like a idol (without any movements) facing the Ka'abatullah. |
07 |
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Concentrate towards Allah (J) that He is seeing you and He is hearing you. |
08 |
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Think of your aim. |
09 |
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With out any disturbance in your thoughts start recitation just as written. |
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When you recite "Astagfaar" remember all of your small and big sins and internaly ask for forgiveness from Allah (J) by 5 conditions and 9 parts. |
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When you recite "Surah-al-Faateha" take up your both hands like you do in Dua and ask for forgiveness from Allah (J) by 5 conditions and 9 parts and ask help for your wish or problelm. |
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In between recitation dont see here and there, and dont talk or even dont point out at anything. |
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After finishing the recitation perform offerings and Dua. |
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Then after if you make a rice-milk distribute to childrens if not then give some money (Zakaat) to beggar. |
Method of Offering the Benefits of the Reitation |
Return to Index of Khatam Sharif |
((((((((( Allahumma Rabbana Aameen - Oh Allah O my lord May it be so ))))))))) |