Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem - In the name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Assalaatu Wassalaamu Alaika Yaa Saiyyadul Mursaleen.
0. Two years before Hadhrat Aadam Alaihis got forgiveness from Allah, for first time the Angels established House of Allah by the order of Allah Jalle shaanahu and perfomed Tawaaf.
1. At the time of Hadhrat Aadam Alaihis salaam the Stone (Hajar-ul-aswad) fell from Heaven, when it was a pure and dazzling white, but has since turned black because of the sins it is absorbing over the years. The distructive flood during Hadhrat Nooh Aliahis salam droowed away the structure and even the structure was untraceable till Hadhrat Ibrahim Alaihis Salam.
2. It was later removed at the time of Hadhrat Ibrahim Alaihis salaam from the mountain of Abu Qubays near Mecca. When Hadhrat Ibrahim Alaihis salaam rebuilt the Kaaba, the Archangel Hadhrat Jibrayeel Alaihis salaam brought out hidden stone (Hajar-ul-aswad) and gave it to Hadhrat Ibrahim Alaihis salaam before all calanders.
3. At the time of 5th Grandfather of Huzoor (S) Before 157 Hijri 470 A.C.
4. Before arrival of Islam by community of Quraish 610 A.C. (Before the first of Prophet Huzoor Muhammad (S)
prophetic revelations, He (S) was present in Mecca during the rebuilding of the Ka'aba. The Black Stone (Hajar-ul-aswad) had been
temporarily removed while a new structure was being constructed. Huzoor Muhammad (S) settling a quarrel between
Meccan clans as to which clan should set the Black Stone (Hajar-ul-aswad) in place. His (S) solution was to have all the clan elders raise the cornerstone on a cloak, and then Prophet Huzoor Muhammad (S) set the stone (Hajar-ul-aswad) into its final place with his own hands.)
5. At the time of Kilafat Bani laiyyah 91 Hijri 710 A.C.
6. At the time of Abbasi 310 Hijri 923 A.C.
7. At the time of Usmani 1215 Hijri 1800 A.C.
8. At the time of Khadim-ul-Harmayen Sharfyen Shah Fahad S/O Abdul Aziz 1412 Hijri 1992 A.C.