Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem - In the name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful |
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Assalaatu Wassalaamu Alaika Yaa Saiyyadul Mursaleen. |
This method is Especially for conveying rewards (Isaal-e-Sawaab) to the deceased. And also for fulfillment of your well wishes or get solution for any problem you can use this method before performing Dua. |
Benefits of Recitation the Holy Quran is proper in its place, but on Ummat (followers) -e- Muhammadiyah (S) the Grace of Allah (J) Almighty is such that for recitating the small small verses he has bestowed so great Blessings. So you think that when the Almighty has granted so much Benefits for just recitating this small verses than what will be the reward for recitating the Holy Quran. May the Almighty grant his devine guideance for recitating the Holy Quran in sake of His dearest and beloved Huzoor Muhammad Mustufa (S) and His Auwliya (friends) Hazraat-e-Naqshbandiyah, Chishtiyah, Qadariyah, Suharwardiyah, Owesiyah, Mujaddadiyah, Mujarradiyah and the Tariqah's in the world. |
Daroodh Sharif |
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11 Times, |
Lots of Benefits |
Surah-al-Faateha |
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03 Times, |
Surah-al-Faateha recitating 3 times is equal to benefits of 2 times recitating the Holy Quraan.
Narrated Abdullah Bin Abbaas Rd. Ref. Tafseer-e-Mazhari. |
Aayat-al-Qursi |
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04 Times, |
Aayat-al-Qursi recitating 4 times is equal to benefits of 1 time recitating the Holy Quraan.
Narrated Ahmad Rd. Ref. Tafseer-e-Mawaahib-ur-Rehmaan. |
Surah-al-Qadar |
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04 Times, |
Surah-al-Qadar recitating 4 times is equal to benefits of 1 time recitating the Holy Quraan.
Firdose Rd. Ref. Masnad-e-Ahmad Haashiyah. |
Surah-al-Zilzalah |
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02 Times, |
Surah-al-Zilzalah recitating 2 times is equal to benefits of 1 times recitating the Holy Quraan.
Ref. Tirmazi. |
Surah-al-Aadeyaate |
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02 Times, |
Surah-al-Aadeyaate recitating 2 times is equal to benefits of 1 times recitating the Holy Quraan.
Narrated Abu Ubaidah Rd. Ref. Tafseer-e-Mawaahib-ur-Rehmaan. |
Surah-al-Kaaferoon |
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04 Times, |
Surah-al-Kaaferoon recitating 4 times is equal to benefits of 1 time recitating the Holy Quraan.
Ref. Tirmazi. |
Surah-al-Nasre |
: |
04 Times, |
Surah-al-Nasre recitating 4 times is equal to benefits of 1 time recitating the Holy Quraan.
Ref. Tirmazi. |
Surah-al-Ekhlaas |
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03 Times, |
Surah-al-Ekhlaas recitating 3 times is equal to benefits of 1 time recitating the Holy Quraan.
Ref. Bukhaari. |
Daroodh Sharif |
: |
11 Times. |
Lots of Benefits |
Nazar Karne ka Tarika - Method of Offering the Benefits of the Reitation |
Return to Index of Khatam Sharif |
((((((((( Allahumma Rabbana Aameen - Oh Allah O my lord May it be so ))))))))) |