Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem - In the name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful |
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Assalaatu Wassalaamu Alaika Yaa Saiyyadul Mursaleen. |
" Allah Shaafi Allah kaafi " |
Dua-e-Shifa (Prayer of Cure) |
Wenever you Drink water or any cold dring and Eat foods perform this method;
At the time of first Draught and first Morsel Recite this Dua one time |
"Bismillah Ashfi Antal Shaafi D'aagfi Antal Kaafi wa A'afi Antal M'aafi" |
and at the time of second & Third Draught and Morsel Recite this Dua one-one time |
"Allahumma Ashfi Antal Shaafi D'aagfi Antal Kaafi wa A'afi Antal M'aafi" |
Insha Allah the water and foods will become medicine for your sickness. |
We pray to Allah, Allah's Shifa up on all beings who suffering from any sickness. Aameen |
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((((((((( Allahumma Rabbana Aameen - Oh Allah O my lord May it be so ))))))))) |